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Board Committees

Updated 3/25/2025

​​Case Review Panel

Members: Anthony Tagavi, Kimberly Croley, and Jason Belcher

Advisory Co​​uncil 

Members: Meg Sidebottom, Kentucky Association of Healthcare Facilities; Casey Humes and John Spencer, Kentucky Independent Pharmacy Alliance; Robert Fink, Kentucky Society of Health-System Pharmacists; Tabithia Fischbeck, Julie Anderson, Kelly Zaccarelli, Jamie Biliter, and Katie Richardson, Kentucky Pharmacists Association.

Per KRS 315.191, the Advisory Council will "advise the board on statutes, administrative regulations, and other matters within the discretion of the board pertinent to the practice of pharmacy and regulation of pharmacists, pharmacist interns, pharmacy technicians, pharmacies, drug distribution, and drug manufacturing. The council shall provide recommendations for updating policies and procedures, including administrative regulations relating to the practice of pharmacy." 

Regulation Committee

Members: Ralph Bouvette, Catherine Hanna, Chris Palutis, Elisha Bischoff, Jennifer Grove, Joel Thornbury, Michael Burleson, Chris Killmeier, and Scotty Reams

Protocol Review Committee

​​​Members: James Hallahan, Cassandra Hobbs, Joel Thornbury, Emily Wilkerson, Donald R. Neel, MD

​​Per 201 KAR 2:380​, the Protocol Review Committee will, "(a) Evaluate new protocols proposed for board approval to ensure compliance with Section 2(1)(b) and Section 3 of this administrative regulation; and (b) Review previously authorized protocols no later than three (3) years from the authorization date to ensure alignment with current practice guidelines."

​Kentucky Professionals Recovery Network Committee

Members: Stuart Lemarr; Lisa Bradley; Phillip Adams; Emily Eastman; Lauren Jarrell; Rheagan Wills; Kristina Karrick; Laura McMahon; Emily Caporal; Executive Director Christopher Harlow; Board President Anthony Tagavi

Board Committees